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Woodview Acres, LLC

Our Farm

Providing your family with grassfed, A2A2 milk, pastured eggs, and meats.

At Woodview Acres we care about our animals. Our cows are fed high quality pasture in the summertime and organically grown hay in wintertime. A cow has multiple stomachs designed especially for digesting grass and other forages. Feeding cows a high grain diet can cause all kinds of digestive and health issues. Our cows are happiest with lush pastures and quality hay.

Our hogs are on pasture as well. We also feed a non-GMO feed mix as well as some excess milk from our dairy. Why do we feed grain to our pigs? A pigs digestive system is designed to digest a wide variety of foods. While they love the plants our pasture provides, they need more carbohydrates to thrive. 

Our hens are free range. This means that in addition to eating the non-GMO grain mix we provide, they can run around and scratch the dirt, looking for food, and eat grass as well. Chickens are happiest doing this.



Our Story

Local Family Farm

We are an Amish family. I (Delbert) grew up on a small family dairy farm. As a young boy I helped feed the smaller animals. As I grew older, I become responsible for feeding and milking the cows as well as caring for the horses we used to prepare the land for crops. We did not have a tractor or skid loader. We loaded manure with forks or shovels and used horses to spread it on the fields. 

As a young man I didn't think farming was for me. Too much work! After working at a few other jobs, I discovered that I have a passion for farming. We still farm with horses though we do have a skidloader and some other more modern machinery.

The farm where we are located now is the farm my wife (Lorene) grew up on. Lorene did not have any brothers so she helped her dad with the outside work: milking cows, raking hay, baling hay, and driving the horses to get the fields ready for planting. She still loves doing the outside work. 

We have a family of six boys so there is never a dull moment around here. The older boys can do the milking while the younger boys help feed calves and chickens and do other light work around the farm. In addition to working, they also love play ball or being creative in the farm shop.

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